Saturday, August 13, 2011

What it's like at 94

Conversation this afternoon with my mother, who turned 94 on Thursday:

Mum: "Your father was a very easy man to feed. He'd eat pretty much whatever you put in front of him."
Me: "Well that must have been nice, Mum. It sure makes things simpler."
Mum: "My husband now, he was a different matter."

I wonder if there's something I should have known about before now....  :-)


  1. I was nonplussed, to say the least. :-D After a while I thought that perhaps I'd misheard her, but no, later on in the conversation she referred to my father and her husband as if they were two different people.
    It's so weird, because my mother has always been frighteningly sharp, and now, she's quite different.
    It is funny though, and if she were even five years younger, she'd find it funny too!
