Saturday, July 2, 2011

Thoughts on Summer

Things I love about Summer:

The morning chorus of birdsong.

The smell of new-mown grass.

Walking outside in my bare feet.

                                                                         Baby "everythings"!

Flowers, wild and domesticated.

Heat, and thunderstorms.



Long, long days.

Gin and tonics (somehow, G&T's don't work at all in November)

                                                                         Harvesting the first potatoes.

Things I dislike about Summer:

The morning chorus of birdsong: Please, a little quiet at 4 a.m. I'm trying to sleep!!

Mosquitos, blackflies and deerflies -- in fact, anything that bites or sucks blood.


Not being able to keep bananas longer than two days.

Finding earwigs in the cut flowers I just brought into the house.

Did I already say humidity?

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